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With Jesus A Little Goes A Long Way

In the story we see a young boy who selflessly offers his lunch of bread and fish. Despite its apparent insignificance, Jesus takes this meager offering and transforms it into a meal that satisfies the hunger of thousands. This teaches us that no matter how small or seemingly insignificant our contributions may be, when placed in the hands of Jesus, our gifts can yield incredible results. Jesus took what seemed to be insufficient, thanked God for it, and provided more than enough. Don’t let your perceived lack of resources limit your perception of what God can do. We should offer prayers of thanksgiving for what we have, even when it seems like not enough.
This story of Jesus feeding the five thousand with a young boy’s lunch speaks directly to our lives. It challenges us , teaches us and reminds us to trust in God’s provision, to trust his transformative power and to offer that which we have been gifted with. The story reminds us to be compassionate, brave and willing to-make a sacrifice for the needs of people. It teaches us that today we also may have a participatory role when it comes to God meeting the needs of people.
May we embrace these lessons, carry them into our daily lives, always being mindful of serving others and having the courage to use our God given gifts for the betterment of humanity. Please like subscribe and share. Visit Faith Talk @www.revjaystuartglover.com.