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Whom Are You Seeking ?

John 18:4-5
4 Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward and said to them, “Whom are you seeking?”
5 They answered Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.”
Jesus said to them, “I am He.”

The setting of this passage is during the arrest of Jesus.
As we reflect on the moment when Jesus asked those who came to arrest him, “ Whom are you seeking?” it prompts us to ponder a deeper question:
A relevant question for us today:
Who and what are we looking for in and through Jesus ?
In our modern religious landscape, as we grapple with the evolution of theological frameworks and religious practices, the profound question posed by Jesus, “Whom are you seeking?” echoes with timeless significance. It compels us to halt in our pursuits, to introspect, and to reevaluate the trajectory of our spiritual journey and the embodiment of our faith tradition.

This question serves as an invitation—an invitation to delve beyond surface-level answers and delve into a deeper, God-inspired understanding. It beckons us to cultivate compassion and authenticity as we navigate the complexities of our quest for meaning and transcendence, both in our relationship with the Divine and in our interactions with fellow members of our communities.
In embracing this invitation, we embark on a journey of profound discovery—one that leads us closer to the heart of God and to a more enriched expression of our faith. Through reflection, discernment, and a commitment to living out the teachings of Jesus, we uncover layers of truth and depth that illuminate our path towards knowing God.
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