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Good News For The Poor?

So here’s what I love about this scripture. According to Luke’s account, this passage of scripture from Isaiah was read by Jesus in what has been referred to as his inaugural address within a synagogue. Jesus quoting from the prophet Isaiah speaks to the fulfillment of the messianic expectation of the people being fulfilled in the person of Jesus who us announcing our liberation.
But today we must be careful of putting aside or neglecting our participatory role in this work towards justice as though God will accomplish all things by a miraculous wave of his hand. No, we are called to become more like Christ in this life and participate, and cooperate with God and that translates to working towards justice. So let us start with acts of kindness, charity and love. We can find a way that we can work towards alleviating suffering through our service opportunities. Let us allow the love of God that we have experienced be poured out to others in our communities. Visit Faith Talk @www.revjaystuartglover.com. Please like, subscribe and share.