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Good Friday At The Cross From Terror To Trust

Good Friday At the Cross “From Terror to Trust”
I invite us all to imagine ourselves being at the foot of the cross, alongside Mary, the mother of Jesus. As we place ourselves in this story, journeying back into the first century, It is there at the cross that we are are confronted with a distressing sight. We are faced with the brutalized body of Jesus that evokes a range of disturbing emotions and discomfort. As we gaze upon the body of Jesus, nailed to the cross, we instinctively recoil, turning away, not wanting to stay there to witness His pain.

On this Good Friday my proposition is this: If we don’t rush past this moment, if we don’t turn away, we shall discover, that there is is more to behold than the horror of a Roman crucifixion.
The idea of total surrender challenges us today. But, the words “into thy hands I commit my spirit '' demonstrates humility, and contentment with God’s will along our pilgrim journey.
On this Good Friday as we contemplate the words of Jesus, we ask Lord that you strengthen us so that we are able to transcend our pain, suffering, and the terror of our struggle. Help us Lord to remain trustful of your unwavering faith-fullness towards us even in our darkest hours.
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