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Aug. 10, 2023

My Lived Experience With God

My Lived Experience With God by Rev. Jay Stuart G…

My Lived Experience With God by Rev. Jay Stuart Glover

Minister Roosevelt Sheriff shares from his lived experience that includes his being diagnosed with cancer He considers himself an overcomer by the grace of God who has now been cancer free for 23 years. 

May God prosper you according to His divine will and purpose.

Rev. Jay Stuart Glover

Minister Roosevelt Sheriff Jr.Profile Photo

Minister Roosevelt Sheriff Jr.


Roosevelt Sheriff Jr. is the Associate Minister of Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Harlem, N.Y. Also, the CEO and co-founder of From Hip Hop 2 Hallelujah LLC an organization that is dedicated to helping this generation of youth understand their loved, their lives have purpose, and meaning by showing them that they are powerful beyond measure.
A native New Yorker born in Spanish Harlem and raised in the South Bronx. The youngest of four children. I attended P.S. 154, C.S. 152, Junior High School 123, and Adlai E. Stevenson High School. In 1985 was a member of the first Rap group ever signed to a major record label. The record label was Capitol Records, and the group was known as the Boogie Boys.
A graduate of the Metropolitan College of New York with an Undergraduate Degree in the field of Human Services and a Master of Divinity Degree from New York Theological Seminary. No stranger to church, my mother's eldest brother properly introduced me to the Lord at a very tender age. I was not a (P.K. Preacher's kid but, An U.K. Uncle’s kid). Before my uncle transitioned, he was an Archbishop. A powerfully anointed and gifted vessel who commanded your attention from the time he stood up until he gave the benediction.